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𝟕𝟎. Years od radio appeal of Abbe Pierre, a founder of Emmaus Movement

On February 1, 1954, Abbe Pierre, the founder of the Emmaus Movement, sent a radio appeal for help to the homeless who, due to the severe winter and hunger, were freezing and dying on the streets of Paris.

“My friends, help…A woman froze to death last night at 03:00, on the floor of Sebastopol Boulevard, holding tight the notice that made her homeless the day before… Every night, more than two thousand endure the cold, without food or clothing. To face this horror, temporary shelters are not enough.

“Listen to me; in the last three hours, two Aid Centers have been formed; one under the tent on the Pantheon- rue Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, and the other in Courbevoie.

And they are already crowded. We should open the same centers everywhere. Tonight, in every city of France, in every part of Paris, we should hang illuminated signs that will be visible in the dark, we should open the doors with places that have a bed and a hot meal and announce them as: “Emergency Center” under which they will write simple words: “if you suffer, whoever you are – come in, eat, sleep, regain hope, you are loved here”.

During this month there are forcast heavy frosts. As long as winter lasts, these centers must be open. Faced with our brothers dying of poverty, we must work together towards one goal, and that is to prevent something like this from happening again.

I’m begging you all, we love each other enough to do it now. Out of so much pain and suffering, let’s let that beautiful thing happen to us: the united spirit of France. Thank you!

Everyone can help the homeless. Thanks to you, no man, no child will sleep on the asphalt or on the dock of Paris streets tonight.

Thank you!” – Abbé Pierre.

After the so-called “elevation of goodness” speech, donations began to arrive, and new shelters were formed to help those in need.

Although at that moment the most important consequence of the appeal was the great solidarity of the citizens of France, later this event would become the first step in the foundation of the international Emmaus Movement, which today consists of 425 groups in 41 countries. “Help those who suffer the most” is Abbe Pierre’s idea, which IFS-EMMAUS, as a member of the Emmaus movement since 2003, is still following today.

Abbe Pierre personally visited Bosnia and Herzegovina several times after the aggression, and he also visited the Reception- Asylum Center Duje, a project from which the largest project of our organization, the Reception Center Duje, was born.