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Qurban 2024


As in previous years, from local residents and organizations will be collected Qurban meat in the premises of our headquarters in Doboj Istok.

All the collected amounts of Qurban meat will be used primarily for feeding 470 of our beneficiaries located in the Reception Center Duje, as well as for other projects through which up to 3,500 meals are continuously prepared per day, such as: Boarding accommodation for children in Potočari, One meal per day , Soup kitchen in Doboj and others.

You can make the payment to the specified account of the IFS-EMMAUS Association or directly to the address of our central office at Zlatnih ljiljana Street 146, 74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH.


Uni Credit Bank


Foreign currency account:


IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

Purpose of payment: Qurban for the 2024

You can also payment for Qurban via PayPal:


You can get all additional information on the phone number: 035 726 690 (Headquarters IFS-EMMAUS)

Good returns in better!