• Bosanski
  • English




For two decades, IFS-EMMAUS has been trying to create a balance in social care and to approach different social categories. Today, at a time when the pandemic is ruling the world, instead of celebrating the 21st anniversary, we are on the test of humanity, a test which we must not fail. For our own safety and the safety of all the invitees, we canceled the celebration to support the most vulnerable categories of society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their safety and survival is our obligation, no matter how difficult the times will be after the current happenings in the world. Long before the very emergence of corona virus, which has affected a large number of countries in the region, in a unique way, we have done categorical research and realized which individuals deserve special moral engagements, and in doing so, we have achieved unsurpassed positive results. For most of our humanitarian work, we perform cause and effect analysis and we are unique in our planned activities, which leave behind the traces for which our humanitarian work will be recognized in the future. All this, and more, would not be possible to realize, if we did not have the support of many organizations, foreign and domestic donors, businesses and individuals who kept up with all our activities. There are no words big enough to express our gratitude to all of you. Followed by ambitions of all of you who support us through a diverse range of projects that we continuously carry out with 246 employees and 50 active volunteers, we must be honest and promise even better cooperation and a more transparent relationship with everyone in the period ahead. We are sorry that the epidemiological situation did not allow our annual celebration but now we all have to make every effort to protect the people around us. We and our staff are doing our best to fight the corona virus and hope that we will emerge victorious and pass another test of humanity. On this occasion, we congratulate the 21st anniversary of existence and good work of IFS-EMMAUS to all our employees. Good returns in better!