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For only 30 BAM / 15 € You can provide education for one child in Burkina Faso, Africa

For only 30 BAM / 15 € You educate one child in Burkina Faso, Africa. Give them the opportunity to sit at school desks, and beside knowledge and education, You also provide them guaranteed meal in the school canteen (for many of them, this is the only meal per day). The most important thing is that you will strengthen the children’s hope for a brighter future.

Good things will return with better things!

Omogućite školovanje djeci u Burkini Faso, Afrika

Za samo 30 KM/15 Eura školujte jedno dijete u Burkini Faso, Afrika. Pružite im priliku da sjedu u školske klupe, a osim znanja i obrazovanja pružit ćete im i zagarantovan obrok u školskoj kantini (mnogima od njih je to i jedini obrok tokom dana). Ono što je najvažnije djeci ćete osnažiti nadu za neku svjetliju budućnost.🍀Dobro se boljim vraća

Julkaissut MFS-EMMAUS Keskiviikkona 19. kesäkuuta 2019