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Get involved in the MFS-EMMAUS action to assist migrants in BiH

Since there has been a huge inflow of migrants to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the past few months and every day in Sarajevo and Velika Kladuša more and more, MFS-EMMAUS has launched a donation campaign to help these people and provide them at least one meal.

MFS-EMMAUS employees together with Director Hamzalija Okanović visited places where most migrants gather in Sarajevo and Velika Kladuša and share them dry meals.

There are now 300 migrants in the park across the road from the Sarajevo City Hall, including children, who are trying to reach Bosnia and Herzegovina in some of the European countries. They have gone a long way, hungry and thirsty, some of them have health problems and they need accommodation.

Migrants from the countries of North Africa, the Middle East and the South of Asia also reside in Velika Kladuša and according to some estimates, there are about 400 in this municipality today and this number is increasing each day.

U narednom periodu MFS-EMMAUS ima namjeru svakodnevno dijeliti obroke migrantima tako da je pomoć građana u namirnicama i novčanim donacijama itekako dobro došla.

Zato molimo sve građane koji suosjećaju sa ovim ljudima da nam se pridruže u humanitarnoj akciji te da pomognu svojim donacijama.

Donacije u vidu prehrambenih i higijenskih artikala, mogu dostaviti na adresu našeg Udruženja:

Duje bb, Klokotnica, 74 2017 Doboj Istok

Za više informacija možete pozvati broj: 035 726 690

Novčane donacije sa svrhom „Pomoć za migrante“ možete uplatiti na transakcijske račune:

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka


Devizni račun:


IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746


Uni Credit Banka


Devizni račun:


IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482