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The construction of the “Center for the Elderly people in Potočari” will create a new ambience in this area. With its appearance and purpose, it will send a message that life has not stopped and that helpless people are not abandoned.  From the very beginning of the construction of the “Boarding accommodation for children in Potočari”, IFS-EMMAUS has shown that the Srebrenica valley can be revived and it can take a new dimension with the children’s play. It does not matter how much you try to convince us in otherwise; the pleasured smiles of a children will reassure you when you visit them. Tomorrow, when “Center for Elderly people” would be completed, You will also meet pleased faces of the elderly population. Maybe, in a foreseeable future some new projects will awake hope, wish for life and empathy towards the region of Podrinje. It may happen that in the future young people come there to continue life on their father’s land and to cultivate the glades of their ancestors.

It is very close one of the saddest days that a living person remembers in this area and beyond. The day when the hearts of thousands of people stopped beating and every year it stops for a moment in our chests, in order to honor and to remind new generations on this white valley. Later, only stays silence and the mothers of Srebrenica in it. We continuously take care for our mothers and we create a better ambience for them. Gloomy whiteness remains that waste their soul as slow justice.  Loud and beautiful, willing for life, from the suffer was born some new bud and it has strength to create defiance and to provide leaf from their trees and make shade that is also a shield to keep us safe from the evil eyes.


MFS-EMMAUS – CENTAR ZA STARIJA LICA – POTOČARIIzgradnja Centra za starija lica u Potočarima, stvorit će jedan novi ambijent na tim prostorima. Po izgledu i svrsi probudit će nadu da život nije stao i da briga za nemoćne ljude sa ovog kraja nije prepuštena slučaju. Od samih početaka izgradnje Internatskog smještaja, MFS-EMMAUS je pokazao da se srebrenička dolina može oživjeti i dječijom grajom stvoriti jedna nova dimenzija. Koliko god nas uvjeravali u suprotno, razuvjerit će vas dječiji osmijesi zadovoljstva kada nas posjetite. Sutra će to sa završetkom Centra biti zadovoljna lica starijih a u dogledno vrijeme možda i neki novi projekti koji svojom empatijom prema podrinjskom kraju bude život i prilagođavaju ga potrebama ljudi koji su se vratili da nastave živjeti na ognjištima njihovih predaka, da obrađuju proplanke i gaje život jer ništa drugo nam potrebno nije osim da isti bude sretan. Bliži se jedan od najtužnijih dana koje pamti živ insan na ovim prostorima a i šire. Dan kada su prestala da kucaju srca hiljada ljudi i svake godine zastane na trenutak naše u prsima, da oda počast i podsjeća neke nove generacije. Iza svega ostane tišina i u njoj majke Srebrenice o kojima kontinuirano vodimo brigu i za njih pravimo bolji ambijent.Ostaje i sumorna bjelina što rasipa dušu kao i pravda spora, često nedostupna i blaga da zastidi i onako crvenu zemlju nadojenu. Sva onako jedra, plaha i lijepa, sva čedna i voljna da živi, izrodi iz muke svoje po neki novi list po neki novi pupoljak što ima snage da prkos stvori i da iz stabala njihovih pruži se list što hlad pravi i štiti od očiju zlih.

Julkaissut MFS-EMMAUS Maanantaina 29. kesäkuuta 2020