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IFS-EMMAUS donated 7,000 protective masks, 2000 protective gloves and 96 coronavirus tests to the Cantonal Civil Protection Administration and Crisis Center


IFS-EMMAUS donated 7,000 protective masks, 2000 protective gloves and 96 coronavirus tests to the Cantonal Civil Protection Administration and Crisis Center to be deployed to relevant institutions. This form of support is a continuation of IFS-EMMAUS mission in crisis situations. More in Tv report of RTV TK.


Prilog RTV TK o donaciji zaštitne opreme od strane MFS-EMMAUS-a

MFS-EMMAUS donirao je Kantonalnoj upravi civilne zaštite i Kriznom štabu TK 7000 zaštitnih maski, 2000 zaštitnih rukavica i 96 testova na koronavirus koji će biti raspoređeni relevantnim institucijama. Ovakav vid podrške, nastavak je misije djelovanja MFS-EMMAUS-a u kriznim situacijama. Više u prilogu RTV TK.

Gepostet von MFS-EMMAUS am Donnerstag, 19. März 2020