Every day we increase the number of Iftars, and we deliver iftars at the doorstep of our beneficiaries. From the first 200 iftars that we implemented at the beginning of Ramadan, the number of iftars increased to the number of 450 Iftars till today and we are planning to reach number of 1000 Iftars that we will distribute every day to people from Tuzla, Doboj, Srebrenica, Doboj Istok, Bratunac, Zvornik. You can also help with donation of 5 KM, to the specified account of the Association, and that is the price of one Iftar.
Uni Credit Bank
Foreign currency account:
IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482
IFTAR NA KUĆNI PRAGSvaki dan povećavamo broj iftara koje dostavljamo na kućni prag naših korisnika. Od prvobitnih 200 iftara koje smo realizirali početkom mjeseca Ramazana, danas se taj broj povećao na 450 iftara i u planu smo dostići 1000 iftara koje svakodnevno dostavljamo postačima u Tuzli, Doboju, Srebrenici, Doboj Istoku, Bratuncu i Zvorniku. Vi nam takođe možete pomoći uplatom od 5 KM na navedeni račun Udruženja koliko košta cijena jednog iftara.Uni Credit Banka3383002250449586Devizni račun:SWIFT: UNCRBA22IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482
Gepostet von MFS-EMMAUS am Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2020
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 690
+387 35 720 284
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 695
+387 35 720 284
Association ,,Humanitarian Organization International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS”