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Last year, IFS-EMMAUS gathered funds to sponsorship 1682 children in western African country, Burkina Faso for 2017/2018 school year

In 2014, IFS-EMMAUS led by great desire, will and in partnership with other organizations from France and Burkina Faso, BFF (Bosnia – Burkina Faso – France) started the implementation of the project Sponsorship for children in Burkina Faso, one of the poorest African countries.


In Burkina Faso illiteracy is a huge issue firstly due to inexistence of appropriate conditions for schooling. Thus, a humanitarian action entitled “Test Your Humanity – Help Me to Finish School” was launched, the main aim of which is to provide part of the scholarships to the children of Burkina Faso in order to successfully complete primary education. A one-child scholarship is only 30 BAM (15 euros) for one school year.


From 2014 to 2017, IFS-EMMAUS, thanks to citizens and donors, received scholarships for a total number of 2994 children, and two containers were distributed, consisting of school supplies, food, hygiene packages, clothing, footwear, agricultural tools, and construction material. The number of 1628 scholarships were used to finance children in Goghin, Gasma, Tangseghin and Guesna.


In addition to BH citizens and BH diaspora, a large number of scholarships were provided by the Majlis of  Islamic Community Srebrenik and Majlis of Islamic Community Gradačac. We thank them greatly for their support.


Going to school, hanging out with peers, playing and feeling joy is the right and need of children around the world. Still, data show that more than 38 million children in Africa still do not go to school. IFS-EMMAUS continues with this project, so that all those who want to participate in scholarships for children can thus enforcing the belief in better and more secure future, because as the great Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world“.


Show humanity and be pride that at least one child in far Burkina Faso will finish school thanks to your contribution.