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Manifestation due to the third anniversary of the Daily centre for children in Zvornik

Daily Centre for children in Zvornik celebrated third year of successful existence as one of many well organized IFS-EMMAUS projects. In Divič with a well prepared and organized rich cultural-entertaining   program, the little participants of the Daily center entertained the audience and performed a grandiose spectacle.

The program involved a performance of folklore dance and also an exhibition of creative drawings made by children on the recent drawing colony held by the river Drina.  

Each of the drawings were exhibited in the sales bazaar, and the proceeds from sales and other voluntary contributions will be used for the needs of the Centre in order to improve the quality of provided services.  At the manifestation were present also six female students who were enrollers of the Daily Centre but nonetheless are still actively following the work of the Centre. This shows that the program presented in the Daily center helps children in their preschool and school education.

We thank all those who with their presence made this even a bigger event.