At the headquarters of International Forum of Solidarity – Emmaus on Saturday was held a rich cultural – entertaining and sports events to mark the 17 years work of the Association.
The official program started with the opening of the 8th Memorial football tournament for children “Franco Bettoli 2016”, in honor of the great humanist and former President of Emmaus International.
Participation in the tournament have taken: NK “Natron” Maglaj, Sports Club “Betaclub-Tango” Lukavac, FC “Ozren” Petrovo, “Hajduk” Orasje, MNK “Kaskada” Gracanica, School of Sport “DI-Five” Doboj East, FC “Sloga” Doboj and the School of football FC “Proleter” Slavinovići, Tuzla.
Even though in this tournament all are winners for us, after the exciting game by youngsters, the first place went to NK “Hajduk” Orašje. Second place went to FC “Sloga” from Doboj and the third place was won by School of sports “Di-Five” Doboj East.
Recognition for fair play team won the School of sports “Proleter” Tuzla. Awards and Commendations were handed over by the director of FC Sarajevo Mr. Dino Selimovic.
After opening the tournament flowers was laid at the bust of Franco Bettoli where Ms. Sabina Arnaut Jahic addressed the audience, and held a speech in honor of the life and work of late Franco.
In the presence of a large number of partners and friends of the Association, representatives of the Government of TC, led by Prime Minister Bego Gutić, Mayor of Doboj East Mr. Kemal Bratic and councilors of MC Doboj East at the premises of working-occupational therapy at the Centre „Duje“, were presented the activities of the Association in 2015.
At the beginning of the presentation all honored the late prim.dr. Muamer Mujčinagić, doctor at the Centre „Duje“.
Participants were able to enjoy the rich cultural – entertaining program prepared by beneficiaries at the Centre „Duje“. Within the program beneficiary Ismar Smajlovic introduced with autobiographical song “Letter to my mother” that was recently recorded in the studio for his first album, which has elicited emotions and tears on the faces of those present.
Recognitions in token of gratitude were handed to longtime associates, friends and donors for exceptional support they have shown throughout the year on projects and activities of the Association. The awards were presented by President of the Board of IFS-EMMAUS, Mr. Aziz Smajlovic and 33 thanksgivings and 30 recognitions were given.
In the afternoon hours was organized a ceremonial lunch and the promotion of sustainability and friendship was held, which included dairy products of Ltd. “IFS TRADE” Ltd. “IFS HANA“ creative works of beneficiaries at the Centre „Duje“ and paintings created during the Art Colony “Whisper of the soul”. Association “Behar” from Škahovica has impressed everyone with their skills of making traditional sweets.
“IFS – EMMAUS in its previous work at a very distinctive way marked the humanitarian work in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The trust we have built with donors, institutions, and above all with the people, have enabled us to through our projects in these 17 years help the tens of thousands of people in need of assistance. Therefore, it is right to say that the good returns with better” said the director of IFS-EMMAUS Mr. Hamzalija Okanović.
Mayor of Doboj East Kemal Bratic said that this community prides itself on the Association which is for Doboj East in the same way important as it is for the citizens of TC the University Clinical Center, and will always have the support of its municipality.
The Prime Minister of TC Mr. Bego Gutić emphasized that the IFS-EMMAUS is example of good practice and the sustainability, because he got out of the classical framework of NGOs that focus exclusively on budgetary resources.
“Your economies, farms and the mini greenhouses, with the aim of own food production deserves more support from the wider social community” said Gutić, congratulating anniversary noting that the Association can be proud of its work. “What IFS-EMMAUS made in a year some Associations, could not in 20 years” – he stated.
Strength of IFS-EMMAUS make his employees, people who are committed to their work, who gained first experiences in the Association and who for ten years now follow its development.
Every year, during the anniversary of the Association are awarded jubilee awards to employees who work at the Association for more than 10 years and awarded prizes for employees and volunteers of the year. This practice has continued again this year so the jubilee awards received:
Suljkanović Aida, Dzevad Babic, Čamdžić Damir, Hodzic Mirza, Husic Osman, and Lagumdzija Šefket.
This year, the award for best volunteers were divided between two volunteers: Suljkanović Bahra and Suljkanović Ajša.
The title of worker of the year took Mr. Ešef Husičić, who provided its contribution in the most important activities of the Association in many ways, but primarily in the organization of preparing meals in the Reception Centre “Duje”, during the traditional International Youth Working Camp – Franco Bettoli in Srebrenica, as well as for successful cooperation during the establishment of Public kitchen in Doboj.
Celebrating the anniversary of IFS-EMMAUS ended with a joyful atmosphere where employees, guests and volunteers continued socializing with music and dinner.
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 690
+387 35 720 284
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 695
+387 35 720 284
Association ,,Humanitarian Organization International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS”