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Projects of assistance for people on the move

Since 2016, IFS-EMMAUS has been actively providing assistance to people on the move. Especially when it comes to field support for these people, and recently we have been actively providing assistance from our two Daily Centers in Tuzla and Velika Kladuša. In these places, even local population can apply for any kind of support that is in the domain of our humanitarian activities, and we, as the biggest humanitarian organization in BiH and beyond, strive to respond to the needs of all beneficiaries in need. In the above-mentioned Centers, people on the move, among other support, have the opportunity to get clothes, food and place for shower. It would be very difficult to realize any kind of assistance without wholehearted support of the network of donors and other individuals who did not gave up at any moment in order to give these people a hand of friendship and help, regardless of the various speculations we can hear today. We move on and hope that all these people will reach the destinations they have set out to come to and create a better and more promising future for themselves and their families.