IFS-EMMAUS, in cooperation with the Center for providing services in the Community “Puž”, initiated the activity of the Day Center for immigrants passing through Tuzla. The goal of the Day Center is to provide support for people on the move, with an emphasis on minor individuals in the form of personal hygiene, distribution of shoes and clothes, food and hot drinks. A place where these people can feel accepted in society at least for a short time, and get information and support.
Today’s help in the form of clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, food and hygiene necessities delivered to the Center for Migrants, was supported by the Open Society Fund of BiH.
Apart from the psychosocial support that is provided for people on the move, each day we prepare and distribute one meal per day.
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 690
+387 35 720 284
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 695
+387 35 720 284
Association ,,Humanitarian Organization International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS”