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The Big Heart Foundation from United Arab Emirates is supporting IFS-EMMAUS projects

By the end of May, IFS-EMMAUS has realized one out of two projects funded through direct agreement of financing projects by The Big Heart Foundation from UAE and the project in question is the construction of supporting wall around masjid in Rakova noga near Kiseljak. This masjid was built in 2019 throughout the funding of Dubai Charity organization.


The masjid is of great importance to 200 people in this community because it has created relief having in mind that the nearest mosque is five kilometers away belonging to another village. It is also of great significance for realization of Islamic teaching classes for children who were unable to walk the distance from their home to mosque, due to poor road infrastructure. Therefore this project  represents adequate closure of the project initiated one year ago.


Implementation of second project- Setting up a sport’s pitch within the IFS-EMMAUS Boarding accommodation in Potočari is ongoing and its finalization is planned by the beginning of September.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, IFS-EMMAUS is the first organization whose work has been supported by this foundation.  Both projects are important for the communities, especially because of their location and their past.

The Big Heart Foundation (TBHF) is a philanthropic foundation officially established in May 2015, proceeded by various initiatives and campaigns launched by Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qasimi. The Foundation’s mandate is to protect and empower vulnerable children and their families in vulnerable situations across the world. Since then, TBHF has provided health, education and emergency aid services – among others – to over 3 million people in need more than 20 countries.

The construction of the sport’s pitch, which will be located in Potočari will be open for use not only to children who frequent IFS-EMMAUS Boarding accommodation, but also to the wider local community.