• Bosanski
  • English

This morning IFS-EMMAUS escorted migrants with food and drinks on their way toward the refugee camp in Salakovac

A large number of migrants which have spent the past few months in the park across the Sarajevo City Hall have been moved this morning to Mostar in the refugee camp Salakovac. Early this morning, we escorted them out with 300 lunch packages.

During their stay in Sarajevo, IFS-EMMAUS was on the field every day distributing meals, and with the arrival of Ramadan IFS-EMMAUS provided iftars for 600 migrants.

The situation is similar with the migrants in Velika Kladusa. They were moved yesterday from the city park to a location outside the town in Trnovo, but many of them do not want to stay because they do not have internet access there, which allows them the only connection and contact with their families and loved ones. There is still a large number of them on the streets and abandoned facilities so we visited most of them last night and shared iftars for 300 people.