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Developed at the initiative and under auspices of the BiH Presidency and jointly implemented by UNICEF, UNDP and UNESCO, the Dialogue for the Future (DFF) project, IFS-EMMAUS in partnership with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children’s Rights RS Doboj, implements the project entitled “Let’s be the Change “. The project is being implemented in the territories of municipalities of Doboj And Doboj Istok and the target group is young population between 15 to 30 years of age. The expected number of participants in the planned activities which will be organized in the following months is 160.

The aim of the project is contribution in the development of the intercultural dialogue among young people in both entities, setting a network of young consultants of the city of Doboj by forming groups up to 10 students from high school of that territory, increased number of young people from both entities in promotion of equality, tolerance and strengthening capacities by participation in TOT( training for trainers) and promotion of togetherness  and understanding through apolitical topics- sport.

The methods that are used in order to achieve the project aims are direct, experienced that influence the capacity strengthening of young participants through educations and joint sports activities.

The project started by a three day education with 10 participants from various high schools. The students were presented the project, it was discussed about the UN convention about the children rights, violence among peers, and preparations

were done for the consultants to be able to hold these workshops by themselves next time on the topic “Do we know what violence is?”

Strengthening the skills of young people from the earliest age to be active participants in society is the foundation for an active and tolerant society in the future. Through activities of trainings for trainers, young people will acquire the basics for transferring knowledge and experience to their peers. Peer education has proven to be much more successful in conveying knowledge than when the process is led by adults.