The IFS-EMMAUS has just received a donation of 5,000 food parcels which donated Vakuf Directorate of the Republic of Turkey (TC Vakiflar Genel Müdürlüğü) in cooperation with the Vakuf Directorate of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Vakuf Directorate of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Association HO International forum of Solidarity “Emmaus” through the General Directorate of Vakuf of the Republic of Turkey from the income that is intended for social purposes, even this year plan to provide Ramadan parcels for people who fast in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Traditionally, parcels are distributed in cooperation with the Office for Social Care Riyaset IC in BiH, Association of Ilmiyyah , Mufti and the Association HO International Forum of Solidarity “Emmaus” with headquarters in Doboj . Even this year, procurement of Ramadan parcels was planned in the same way but, due to the current situation concerning global pandemic Corona viruses and new procedures, it resulted in moving off deadlines in procurement. Despite all obstacles and difficulties, convoy with 5,000 Ramadan food parcels has just arrived to the capacities of IFS- EMMAUS and now it is in a phase of unloading.
The partnership between these two Vakuf institutions, through which this project is realized, indicates and shows that Vakufs have charitable role, actually they have the role to provide assistance for society and the individuals through socially responsible projects.
Ramadan is important like other months for Vakufs, because during this month Vakuf expressed their religious sensitivity toward individuals who need assistance or even the entire socially vulnerable community that generally articulates the needs of individuals.
In that context, during Ramadan, Vakuf shows that except purely religious function has other function which is unbreakable and it arises from the first, and that is care for people.
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 690
+387 35 720 284
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 695
+387 35 720 284
Association ,,Humanitarian Organization International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS”