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Comprehensive education for the future of for children Let’s equip educational center in Potočari, Srebrenica

We all know that education is the most powerful weapon of each individual.  Unfortunately nowadays, children from rural areas are deprived from this benefit due to poor transport and geographical conditions.

Since 2012, IFS-EMMAUS through its project of boarding accommodation is struggling to provide access to education and thus contribute to the development of children’s lives and education while also strengthening the capacities of local community.

Starting with just 5 children in 2012/13 we reached the number of 85 children in 2020/21 which indicates the need for a facility where children will have the opportunity to learn and attend school. In order to complete the whole complex, IFS-EMMAUS has built with the help of donors educational center which needs to be equipped with modern IT classroom, language classroom, a conference room and of course a playroom for smaller children. The goal of the construction is to provide space for unhindered learning for children and youth from boarding accommodation, access to modern technology, organization of lectures and conferences and organization of activities directed to strengthening the role of women in the community.

For many years life in Srebrenica does not demonstrate significant development. Huge number of families returned to rebuilt homes but that is not sufficient for normal functioning of this families. Without permanent employment, most of these families turns to agriculture where children are forced to walk several kilometers to school. School classrooms are half empty, children despite their strong will are sometimes unable to continue their education. Often due to the great distance from home to school, their education remains only at the elementary school.

Let’s not let these children remain uneducated, help us bring them closer to schools and provide them with better quality support in education.

Help us to equip the Educational center which will serve to beneficiaries of IFS-EMMAUS and local community.



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