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The Association International Forum of Solidarity EMMAUS is launching an action of building water wells in the African country of Niger.

In collaboration with the A.A.S.H. (Cooperation Humanitarian Service) based in the city of Niamey in the Republic of the Niger, we have signed a contract for the implementation of this long-planned project.

Two-thirds of the state territory of the Republic of Niger is located in the Sahara Desert and agricultural production is endangered with more often droughts, transformation of fertile areas into desert and barren soil due to intensive logging.

Digging water wells to the depth of 20 meters will be a sufficiently for the source of drinking water for 200 beneficiaries who would use it and on which will be instaled manual pump.

Next to the board with the name of the donor or group of donors, there will be also placed concrete troughs for collecting bulk water around the water well, which would be used for feeding cattle.

IFS-EMMAUS already had several actions in Niger when several of our colleagues visited this country and handed out aid to the local people on behalf of our organization. During that visit, we saw that a lot of people live in unconditional houses made of stics and, above all, without basic source of drinking water. We immediately started cooperation with local organizations of this country in order to find people who will be ready to respond and build one such water well for a few hundred inhabitants as soon as possible. Having on mind that this is a very poor country, and that there is no adequate mechanization for that purpose, so most water wells are dug with improvised drills, but in a very short period of time. In the past period, we have had a lot of inquiries such as when we will start with such an action, and as a response, we managed to enable all those who are willing to donate and do a good deed in this way by organizing everything

The cost of building a water well up to deept of 20 meters cost 2200 BAM and the realization time is 3-4 months.

You can make payments to the account numbers on the listed banks of the Association.



Uni Credit Bank:


Foreign currency account:


IBAN: BA 39 3389104805723482

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank:


Foreign currency account:


IBAN: BA 39 1542001100085746


You can also make your payments to the association’s PayPal account:

PayPal: donate@mfs-emmaus.ba


Zlatnih ljiljana 146

74 207 Klokotnica, Doboj Istok

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Phone: +387 35 726 690

Fax: +387 35 720 284

e-mail: info.ifs@mfs-emmaus.ba