• Bosanski
  • English


As a host of a two-day visit to our country by the delegation of the Union of Municipalities of the Turkish World – Türk Dünyası Belediyeler Birliği (TDBB) to our country, we were honored by their stay at our Offices in Potocari and Doboj Istok. A TDBB delegation led by Secretary General Mr. Fahri Solak has arrived in our country to visit programs and projects that support financially as well as those in preparation for implementation. One of these projects is our children’s accommodation in Potocari, whose work has been significantly supported by TDBB for the third school year. We are pleased that the TDBB delegation spent one whole working day with the children of the beneficiaries and our staff at the Internet placement, giving their support to their work. On the same day, a delegation visited our Center for the Elderly, which is also under construction in Potocari, and the Memorial Center. During the tour of the Memorial Center, they visited a previously implemented roof reconstruction project within the Memorial Center, whose reconstruction was supported by TDBB. On the second day of the visit, the delegation toured projects that they supported and implemented in cooperation with the Srebrenik municipality and the Yunus Emre Institute, after which they arrived and visited our headquarters in the Doboj Istok. During the visit to Doboj Istok, a working meeting of the TDBB delegation was organized with the leadership of Doboj Istok municipality, the cities of Doboj and Gracanica and Majlis of the Doboj Islamic Community. After the meeting, the site foreseen for the construction of the bridge on the Spreca River was visited and the construction of the bridge will be supported by the TDBB, as well as the administrative building of the Majlis of the Islamic Community Doboj under construction. It is recalled that the Union of Municipalities of the Turkish World has been actively assisting the implementation of MFS-EMAMAUS projects for several years. The first such project was the construction of two small family homes in the facilities of the Reception Center Duje for the needs of the youngest users located in the center. MFS-EMMAUS can thank TDBB’s management and board, numerous Turkish municipalities, and Doboj Istok, which as a member of the Union of Municipalities of the Turkish World, for supporting the cooperation with TDBB and their support to the projects.