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Distribution of the first few hundred iftars at the doorstep.

While waiting inflamed lamps embroider with a pleasant conversation before plentiful meal, the joy of Ramadan surrounded by family members and the loved ones possess truly happiness.

People, that we did not fail nor this time, tonight in the warmth of their homes they met the end of today’s fast of the first day of Ramadan. Our hardworking teams delivered several hundreds of iftars to the doorstep, which are prepared in IFS-EMMAUS kitchens in places Srebrenica, Doboj Istok and Zvornik. We are optimists and we expect significant increase in number of iftars in the next few days, especially for socially vulnerable people who have decided to fast this Ramadan, no regard to the existing circumstances. Due to these and many others, we have decided for this move and we did not regret due to the smile on their faces even on the first day, while we were visiting them on their doorstep before Magrib.

You can also support this activity of Iftar distribution with a payment of BAM 5, that is the cost of one iftar, in order that in the near future we distribute thousands instead of hundreds.