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FIS doo presented a valuable donation to the Reception Center Duje

Today, in the lead of the marketing manager Diana Brkan, FIS representatives d.o.o as part of its planned humanitarian activities., visited the Reception Center Duje and handed a valuable donation to the Center users, who currently have 438 accommodations. Large quantities of adult diapers and hygiene products were delivered. This donation is the result of a very good collaboration between MFS-EMMAUS and FIS doo for the third year running. Initially, they organized and paid for a trip for children to EKO Fis Vlasic, users of the Center for Children and Young People, donated money to them for the purchase of winter footwear and clothing, and this year we received a significant donation that will be very useful in the work of the Reception Duje Center. We are grateful to FIS doo for showing many times that they are a socially responsible company towards different categories of society, and we hope that this form of cooperation will continue in the coming period. The Reception Center Duje has been flawlessly operating and surviving for sixteen years, and despite its small and undeveloped country, manages to care for beneficiaries in different socio-health needs across BiH. The beneficiaries of the services are persons of third age from different categories and diseases, persons with intellectual and physical disabilities, immobile persons with combined disabilities, homeless persons, youth with asocial behavior and youth from vulnerable / at-risk groups. With its contents, the Center provides users with a carefree and safe stay, and thanks to the donations of numerous individuals, institutions and organizations, it provides great support in the work and provides better living conditions for the users of the Center.