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IFS-EMMAUS distributed pre-Ramadan packages in collective accommodation


Feedback from Indonesia-Paid funds realized by distribution of packages

The visit of IFS-EMMAUS delegation to Indonesia in March, in order to connect with the NGO sector of this country has already gave results. Funds for the distribution of food packages to the socially vulnerable population in Bosnia and Herzegovina were paid from AKSI CEPAT TANGAP (ACT) FOUNDATION. Pre-Ramadan distribution of packages makes happy many families in collective refugee camps and collective accommodations with minimal living conditions.

The forgotten and on the margins of society, they are waiting for a better time. Under the weather, especially when the wind blows and it rains, they told us that they spend more time outdoors because they feel more secure than in  buildings that can collapse any time. We look forward to more intensive cooperation with this organization and that similar actions will continue in the coming period as well as during the month of Ramadan.

Let’s remind you that in the period of 16 -24. March 2019, a delegation of IFS-EMMAUS, headed by Director Hamzalija Okanović, was in Indonesia with the aim of establishing cooperation with local non-governmental organizations. During their stay in Jakarta,  they visited NGOs engaged in humanitarian work, and who are sharing the  same mission as our Association.