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IFS-EMMAUS: Joy and smiles on the faces of the youngest- is our victory

Today was organized the purchase of clothes and shoes by our Association for orphan children from the area of Cazine, Bihać and Velika Kladuša.

In a time of high prices that affects every segment of our lives, any asisstance to orphan families is extremely useful. Especially when it comes to buying clothes, because children outgrow a certain size too quickly, and they also go to school, so there is an additional need for the same. Thanks to our partner organization Avrupa Yetim Eli, clothes were bought for 60 orphans in the area of Cazin.

It is especially important to point out that this purchase included orphans from the areas of Cazin, Bihać and Velika Kladuša. In addition to buying clothes, the Office for Mother and Child used the opportunity to do the seven home visits to orphan families. During the visits, the families were given food packs and gifts. We are happy that this purchase is realized in the territory of Krajina, because now we can freely say that we have covered most of the areas where we have orphans with buying clothes. In today’s distribution, the donor himself was present, and he was convinced of the living conditions in which these families live.

It is important to provide support to orphan families through various project activities and thus show them that they are not alone. It is our responsibility and obligation to think of them.

Because when an orphan laughs, the whole world laughs. Good returns in better!