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IFS-EMMAUS started with the implementation of the project “Strengthening the social and professional skills of young people at risk”

The project is being implemented within the framework of the regional network of organizations dealing with rights, protection and empowerment of young people at risk of social exclusion ARYSEN supported by the European Union.


The first planned activity is training/education for staff directly involved in working with the target group. The working group involved in the activities consists of professional staff working in the Center for Children and Youth of Reception Center Duje, school pedagogues and representatives of the Center for Social Work of Doboj Istok Municipality.

The aim of this activity is to strengthen the capacity of social and educational services providers,  education of professionals in data collection, defining needs and disadvantages and improving service delivery.


One of the most important segments in the development of every community, including BiH, is the need for systematic and continuous care about young people. IFS-EMMAUS in its activities gives special attention to young people, their proper development and orientation, preventive protection from various negative influences, proper education as well as professional approach to resocialization of children and young people at risk.