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IFS-EMMAUS Women Representatives Participate in „International Conscience Convoy for Liberation of Women Imprisoned in Syria“


IFS-EMMAUS Women representatives participate at International Conscience Convoy led by a group of women with the aim of showing the conditions under which the Syrian women are held in Bashara al- Assad’s prisons.


„Conscience convoy “will start its journey from Istanbul on 6th March and will pass through several Turkish cities until it reaches the border with Syria. In the morning of 8th March, International Women day, in Hatay, city on the south of Turkey all convoy  representatives will make a call to the world through an organized press conference for the media.


The aim of the convoy is to draw attention to the sufferings of imprisoned women and demand their urgent liberation. Thousands of women in the convoy, from 55 different countries, different religions, languages, races, and cultures came together in Hatay among which IFS-EMMAUS Women representatives, IHH organization, women organization Kadem, IHAK etc.


Speaking at the press conference in Istanbul, human rights lawyer and convoy organizer Gülden Sönmez (IHAK) said that in the war in Syria, now entering seventh year, died near one million persons including children, women and elderly. She emphasized , according to their information, that so far in the Syrian war around 15 thousands of children died while 13.581 women was exposed to torture and cruel behavior in prisons under Assad’s regime.

„Currently, over 6.736 women — more than 417 of whom are young girls — are living in these brutal prisons exposed to torture and are wiating there to die. We want to help them to finally reach freedom“, said Sonmez.


They are informed that many women who were raped in those prisons,later when they have the opportunity, try to commit suicide.

Sonmez emphasized that sexual assaults, torure and illegal imprisonement according to international law and all religions is a war crime and crime against humanity.


“Syrian regime in the ongoing war uses rape as a weapon. Unfortunately, no one talks about this problem. We hear screams and groans of womene in these prisons. Seven years we have been wiating for someone to do something. We are expecting that countries and organization in power do something. We want to raise our voice and that something is finally done for these women,“ said Sonmez for Anadolu Agency (AA).


For Syrian people we ensured so far huge amounts of help in material but also in this manner we want to express our support and solidarity  to the innocent women.


BH Women for Syrian Women!