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Jusuf Nurkić donated 40,000 USD to the Reception Center Duje

Jusuf Nurkić, Bosnian basketball player and member of the Phoenix Suns NBA team, with a donation of 40,000 USD to iFS-EMMAUS, co-finances part of the costs of installing a gas heating system in the Reception Center Duje.


After last year’s visit to Srebrenica and spending time with the children in our Boarding Accommodation and the mothers of Srebrenica, Jusuf promised to support financially the work of the IFS-EMMAUS Association in the future. And it wasn’t long before he kept his promise by co-financing part of the installation costs of the gas heating system in our Center Duje in Doboj Istok, where we in accommodation and permanent care have 472 beneficiaries from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Center Duje is an institution for social protection that takes care of the most difficult categories of our society and it is the largest program of our Association.

The current heating system in Center Duje uses solid fuel and from year to year requires large costs, considering the large area and the number of buildings that are heated. A gas heating system initially requires large investments, but heating costs will decrease over the years, and this is one of the main reasons why this investment was started.

The value of the entire investment is over 300,000 BAM, and the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and now our own Jusuf Nurkić, have provided support for it.

We are grateful to Jusuf for his understanding and support in the realization of this project, and we wish him all the best in his personal, sports and every other field of life. We hope that after visiting our activities in Srebrenica, he will have the opportunity to visit us at the headquarters in Doboj Istok in order to testify to the good he has done for our beneficiaries, colleagues who care for them, and the community as a whole.