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MFS-EMMAUS provides help in Tuzla for immigrants

Immigrants who have been staying on the streets of Tuzla for months, employees of MFS-EMMAUS, together with the volunteers, have shared today packed lunches, food, clothing and hygiene packages.

At the invitation of the Mayor of the municipality of Celic, Mr. Sead Muminovic, who provided the rooms for the Immigrants where they can bath, we immediately sent assistance and a team of medical staff from the reception centre Duje who gave them medical care.

Due to the non-existent hygiene conditions, infectious diseases have emerged among them, and many have sustained early hiking. The bus station in Tuzla is flooded with immigrants every day.

According to volunteers who are helping these people, last night at the bus station, near 250 immigrants arrived, with nine unaccompanied minors among them.

Tuzla is a transit place for these people, who most often reside at the field office of the Service for foreigners, located near the hotel “Mellain”, they register them and from there they mostly go to the bus station where the road continues. Migrants mainly come from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Algeria and Morocco.