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Opened 14th EMMAUS – International youth working camp in Potocari
























Every year, on 10th of July, IFS-EMMAUS brings together a large number of young people in Potočari, who, through their socially useful work, contribute to the development and improvement of the living conditions of the population in Srebrenica and its surroundings.

With the presence of a large number of volunteers, employees and friends of IFS-EMMAUS, the 14th International Youth Working Camp has been officially opened today with the aim of promoting tolerance, coexistence and equality for all.

At the opening of the camp, volunteers were addressed by the long-time friend of IFS-EMMAUS Mr. Eddy Thoreau – Emmaus France, René Mériaux – Emmaus France, Marie Balseca – Emmaus Italy, Project Coordinator Mirela Ahmetbegović, and Mr. Bego Bektić – Head of department for Social Care and public service. This year, the camp will have 70 volunteers from all over BiH and several countries of the region and Europe.

Work activities that will be realized during the camp are mainly of working character and the first of them is Cleaning of the Memorial Center Potočari after the commemoration of the victims of genocide on July 11th.

The young people will participate in the beginning of the construction of the Center for Elderly persons in Potočari, they will be involved in the distribution of meals to people in need through our project “One meal per day”, help to the beneficiaries of the project “Love for the mother of Srebrenica”, works at the farm Pale etc. Of course there are also educational activities such as visits to the Memorial Center – Historical lessons, creative and artistic workshops, international evenings, entertainment activities such as karaoke, movie nights, traditional games, sports tournaments, excursions, etc.

The camp in Srebrenica is a unique opportunity for young people from all over the world to meet and connect and help the local population in building a better future.

Ten fingers can change only the details, but thousands of fingers change reality.  These young people can do everything, they crush prejudices and send the world a message of harmony and solidarity.