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Our friend Ramo died

Early in the morning in a General Hospital “Dr. Mustafa Beganović “in Gračanica, our dear colleague’s heart stopped beating, in our dear friend and great humanitarian Rame Mehurovića. A man who dedicated his life to the foundation of the Red Crescent in BiH and later to the International Forum of Solidarity- Emmaus, he set up its foundations, build it with the heart, supported idea by believing that solidarity should become sense of life. Over 20 years of dedicated work, loyalty and personal engagement in the field of humanitarian actions, has left an indelible mark on development of the Association. We will mention his good deeds and merits and talk about its good deeds to the generations that come. Hundreds of thousands of traveled kilometers in favor of the Association, thousands of business relations with foreign organizations and related associations, countless, many successfully    realized humanitarian actions and convoys of aid for the people of the of Podrinje and for the people of whole Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only some of his merits were accomplished by his own engagement, with positive attitude and his bright side he managed to complete his tasks, and remove overwhelming difficulties. Good rest your soul, you will remain in our hearts and we will remember cheerful face as long as we exist. We pray with a hope that dear Allah dž.š . gifts you Džennet and on the behalf of our Association IFS-EMMAUS we would like You to accept our deepest condolence.

The Janazah will take place today, May 30, 2020. and it will start after the ikindi time (17:00) in front of the Drafnić Mosque at the Trepanići cemetery.