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Thanks to your donations was built the first water well in the African country of Uganda

Many African countries are in scares with drinking water. The children themselves suffer the most because they are forced to walk several kilometers to the first spring with drinking water. Malnourished and weak knees hardly withstand large water tanks that are often heavier than themselves, so they are dragging it along sandy roads. On our info emails and inboxes of social networks comes several hundred requests a month from Africa to expand the construction of water well network to other countries than the current one in Niger.


Bunar Uganda – YouTube


Following the experience so far and accompanied by the good will of our people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the diaspora who pay their donations to the account of building water wells, we decided to start excavating water wells in Uganda. This will speed up the process of building of those who have been waiting for some time for their payments to be realized. Thanks to Your small donations in the previous year, we managed to build the first water well in Uganda, which we symbolically named “Good returns in better”.


The water well was dug in a place Bukedea village which has 850 residents and these people walked more than 10 km every day to fill their containers with drinking water. The price of the water well for Uganda is the same as for Niger, and it amounts 2,200 BAM. We are carrying out the excavation of a water well in Uganda with the organization Nabuyonga Muslim Development Center from Uganda. You can pay your donations to the listed gyro account number of the Association.


Purpose: Construction of water wells


Uni Credit Bank:


Foreign currency account:


IBAN: BA 39 3389104805723482


Good returns in better!