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Users of international accommodation from Potocari visited ES Lukavac city

Fifty users of MFS-EMMAUS Internet Accommodation in Potocari, together with their staff, visited Primary School „Lukavac Grad“ in Lukavac yesterday. This is the third visit of our users to this city, primarily at the invitation of employees of the now friendly „Lukavac Grad“ school. The purpose of this visit is to strengthen the friendship and mutual connections of the two institutions and the opportunity to socialize with their peers but also to share knowledge and experiences.

„We are here for the third time and already see many friendships. I would like to thank the Director and other employees who gave us the opportunity to visit this institution again” – she told us in her speech, Jasna Mesic, Head of Internet Accommodation at Potocari.

As part of yesterday’s visit, educational workshops were socializing peers with social games without cell phones, led by Aktiv of Language and Literature by teacher Ismet Dzibric.

“To shine others with the sun, you have to have the sun in you. The greater the effort, the greater the pleasure. ” This is a motivational quote that stands in the central hall of this school whose students achieve remarkable results from municipal to state competitions, and according to us this time they justified the role of a good host.

“This is their third time coming to our school and I can see by the facial expressions they are as happy to be here as our students are. They have established communication since the first meeting and are constantly in correspondence, exchanging experiences and opinions. Today we have prepared various educational and entertaining workshops for them, socializing through walking and touring our city, as well as lunch and tours of Modrac Lake, ”said Alma Avdic, Director of the „Lukavac Grad“ Elementary School. The children especially enjoyed the tour of Modrac Lake, where they walked and took pictures with their friends along the coast and the beautiful setting on the lake.

Mirsada Sinanovic, the user of the Internet Accommodation, says that it is the first time that she is in Lukavac and that she is socializing and having opportunity for making new friendships. They exchanged contacts and hope that this will grow into a tradition and the younger ones should not break that tradition and are already looking forward to visiting the arch-elementary students in Potocari in return.