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Willem Pronk in a visit at construction site of the Center for Elderly people in Potočari

Despite the epidemiological situation in our country, longtime and great friend of the Association IFS- EMMAUS Willem Pronk, founder and director of the Dutch foundation “Stichting Proplan” came here in Srebrenica to honour Srebrenica victims and be a moral support for mothers of Srebrenica. “Proplan Foundation” is the biggest donor to the IFS-EMMAUS project “Love for Mothers of Srebrenica”.

Through mentioned project is provided continuous care and support for 44 mothers who lost their loved ones during the war in Srebrenica.  “Stichting Proplan” is also under the leadership of Willem Pronk, the biggest financier of the construction of the Center for Elderly people in Potočari, where will be primarily housed all mothers in order that care for them reach enviable level. Having on mind that this is one of the most modern centers in Europe, in this video Willem speaks in Dutch about the phases that have already been built and that we still have a lot of work to do and he  hopes that  in next year the entire complex will be completed and put on a service for our beneficiaries.

Willem Pronk na velikom gradilištu Centra za stara lica u Potočarima

Willem Pronk na velikom gradilištu Centra za stara lica u PotočarimaUprkos epidemiološkoj situaciji u našoj zemlji, naš dugogodišnji i veliki prijatelj Urdruženja Willem Pronk, osnivač i direktor holandske fonacije Stichting Proplan došao je da oda počast ubijenim srebreničanima i bude moralna podrška majkama Srebrenice. Fondacija Proplan je i najveći donator MFS-EMMAUS-ovog projekta “Ljubav za majke Srebrenice” kroz koji se vodi kontinuirana briga i podrška za 44 majke koje su izgubile svoje najmilije padom Srebrenice. Takođe je Proplan pod rukovodstvom Willema Pronka i najveći finansijer izgradnje Centra za stara lica u Potočarima u koji će prvenstveno biti smještene sve majke kako bi se briga o njima podigla na jedan zavidan nivo. Obzirom da se radi o jednom od najsavremenijih centara u Evropi, Willem i na ovom videu gdje se obraća na holadskom jeziku objašnjava koje faze su već izgrađene te da je pred nama još puno posla i nada se da će u narednoj godini kompletan kompleks biti priveden kraju i pušten u funkciju.

Julkaissut MFS-EMMAUS Lauantaina 11. heinäkuuta 2020