As part of the project activities “All together”, which IFS-EMMAUS implements with the financial support of the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there was held a workshop on “Promotion of Tolerance and Nonviolent Communication” at IFS-EMMAUS last week.
The participants of the mentioned workshop were young people aged 15 to 30. A total of 20 of them contributed to the realization on this topic, and the goal was to raise awareness about the importance of developing a high threshold of tolerance considering diversity in order to reduce violent forms of communication based on prejudices and stereotypes.
Through various activities and workshops, program leader had a task to encourage and facilitate the exchange of experiences. This type of work enables experiential learning about oneself and others, and what reflects on real educational contribution of such a way of work is complete personal growing up.
Apart from the educational part, we have to admit that was a great weekend behind us. Workshop participants who were part of this story came from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and they used it in a best possible way accompanied with socializing, singing and having fun.
After a pleantyfull barbecue, several participants volunteered to help bring in the coal for the needs of our Center. They say, “we do this due to physical activity and in order that we don’t gain weight.”
Youth is our strength and we do put maximum effort to invest in their education and progress.
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 690
+387 35 720 284
ul. Zlatnih ljiljana 146,
74 207 Klokotnica – Doboj Istok, BiH
+387 35 726 695
+387 35 720 284
Association ,,Humanitarian Organization International Forum of Solidarity - EMMAUS”