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Their smile is our success!

The most modern Center of this type in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more widely, designed according to European standards presents a combination of functional and modern.


A complex that rivals world centers for the care and nursing of the elderly persons represents a great step forward in the local community, and primarily there will be accommodated the mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje, while advantage will have beneficiaries of the project “Love for mothers of Srebrenica”.


The home has 118 beds distributed in 8 bungalows with 2 apartments each and one large building of 36 apartments. Also, the Home has a special geriatric facility with 14 beds.


The Home was opened on October 23, 2022, and the reception the first beneficiaries are expected at the beginning of 2023. Construction of the Home for the Elderly Persons “Hatidža Mehmedović” started on July 10, 2019, with the laying of the cornestone on the plot of six dunums, where it was previously built infirmary which is now located in the complex of the Home itself.


The realization of the construction of the complex lasted over three years and in that very turbulent period came the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, which significantly slowed down the construction and in a short period of time completely closed all workplaces. However, the idea did not fade and immediately after the alleviation of all measures regarding movement the construction was activated, so the final decoration of the interior and exterior space has been completed at the end of October 2022, when it was ceremonial opening of the complex Home for the Elderly Persons.


With the presence of numerous invitee, friends, donors and the mothers of Srebrenica, on October 23 a commemorative plaque with the name Home for the Elderly Persons “Hatidža Mehmedović” was unveilled, which brought back fond memories to the general joy of all present to this heroine who was a symbol of a mother’s struggle for human rights.


What we are most proud of, because it is also proof of our continuous work in Srebrenica, is that the first employees of the Home for the Elderly Persons “Hatidža Mehmedović” are exactly our children, beneficiaries of the boarding accommodation in Potočari. They graduated secondary medical school in Srebrenica, and have completed their practical knowledge in our Reception Center “Duje” in Klokotnica.


This project will be of particular importance to mothers because now they know that they are not alone and that there is someone who will take care of them 24 hours a day.



Infirmary within the Home for Elderly Persons “Hatidža Mehmedović”

The clinic will have a general practitioner who will constantly practice medicine, as well as other medical staff. A few equipped dispensaries such as: interventions, dental and gynecological, have been in function for some time on the initiative of doctors from Tuzla, Sarajevo, Gračanica and other cities, who perform specialist examinations on a voluntary basis for all people from Podrinje.

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka
Devizni račun:
IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746

Uni Credit Banka
IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

You can pay money through PayPal