To ensure the self-sustainability of the organization, we implement projects such as “Solidarity Economy,” which includes greenhouse and glasshouse production of various fruits and vegetables to meet the dietary needs of a large number of beneficiaries. Additionally, we run a sustainable development project through the MFS-TRADE dairy company (d.o.o.).
The fresh and always accessible products served in our kitchens for numerous beneficiaries are the result of our own production. The cultivation of potatoes, onions, and greenhouse crops (such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, red peppers, lettuce, spinach, and green onions) is carried out on 75 dunums of arable land.
All seedling materials are produced in-house, with an annual yield of approximately 15,000 seedlings of agricultural and ornamental plants.
Throughout the year, we have produced a total of 76,400 kg of various agricultural crops.
A large quantity of fruits and vegetables, which due to rapid ripening cannot be used fresh in meal preparation, is processed into finished products such as ajvar, vegetable stew, various salads, apple juice, and apple jam. These products are then used throughout the year in our kitchens for meal preparation.
The dairy continues with continuous purchases of fresh milk from its subcontractors and agriculture cooperatives. The trend of purchasing milk is not decreasing below 500,000 liters per year, which justifies a wide range of finished products.
In dairies you can still buy high quality sourcream, yogurt and milleram, except for fermented products it is launched on the market semi-hard cheeses and out of those the most selling are: trappist cheese, smoked trappiest cheese and trappiest cheese with the addition of paprika and mint. The dairy plant, in addition to selling its product range, provides the necessary amounts of milk products for the needs of service beneficiaries through projects of IFS-EMMAUS.
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