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The gem of new generations is yet to shine near-by Potočari through educational, sports and recreational activities aimed at providing assistance to young returnees.


IFS-EMMAUS in cooperation with a partner orga- nization “The House of Good Tones” started imple- mentation of the construction project “Sports-rec- reational center in Pale” near Potočari, not far from Memorial Center.

On the former farm, is underway the construc- tion of various buildings, sports fields, adrenaline parks, children’s playgrounds, swimming pool and ski resort. In addition to sports activities, walks on forest roads and trails on Peace march are also planned.


Big role in construction certainly had our volun- teers and employees with the support of foreign donors. It will be a place of entertainment and various gatherings of our beneficiaries, and holding events from traditional, work camps to the mark ing of Orphans days and other similar occasions.



Within the complex, it is planned to form a mini settlement for meetings of youth in Srebrenica that would be characterized by modern bungalows for accommodation and a 150m² conference hall.

The goal is that our projects have long-term results. After building the Meeting House, we have plans for the various activities that will be organized. We are committed to investing in the future of this area and helping young people in order to enrich their own daily life and that young people through quality educational, cultural and artistic contents develop a feeling of belonging to the world of universal human values, regardless of ethnic, national, religious, social and any other affiliation.


The work will be based on the principles of peer education which implies that young people learn from their peers, which will be especially important on the occasion of meeting with participants from abroad.

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka
Devizni račun:
IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746

Uni Credit Banka

IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

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