During the entire month of Ramadan IFS-EMMAUS is now, already traditionally, distributed 16,175 iftars at doorsteps throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and organized dozens of collective iftars. For the socially vulnerable population throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as 9,580 Ramadan packages was distributed for orphan families.
During Ramadan days, none of the employees of IFS-EMMAUS does not spare themselves, thus giving its maximum through organizing, logistics, preparations and implementation of each accompanying activity. We are one big and well-coordinated team ready for any challenge and we are proud of thousands of kilometers passed within the one month, in order to deliver warm Iftar joys and packages to people in need.
Again, we had an enormous support from the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as from the people from all over the world, who recognized our sincere intentions and as it was the practice in the past years supported our idea of organizing collective iftars that we thoroughly and professionally worked until the last day.
Seasonal activity of reception and distribution of qurban meat that IFS-EMMAUS realizes every year during the Eid -al Adha is of great importance. Reception of Qurban meat greatly helps in the regular nutrition of our beneficiaries, but also provides us with an opportunity to bring the joy of Eid to the homes of many families in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially those who live in the rural area of Eastern Bosnia, in collective settlements, people of the third age, etc.
During Eid -al -Adha, a large number of our employees and volunteers from Doboj Istok, Srebrenica, Zvornik and Velika Kladuša was engaged at the very reception, sorting, processing and packaging of meat. There were collected sufficient quantities of meat with which facilitates all our sincere and humanitarian approach to the beneficiary throughout the year. One part of the meat is intended for the needs of the beneficiaries of the Reception Center “Duje”, “Soup kitchen in Doboj”, “Boarding accommodation for children in Srebrenica”, as well as for the project “One Meal per Day”. Several tons of meat were distributed to the local population, orphans and families in need.
We would like to thank all the domestic and foreign donors of sacrificial meat, as well as a large number of individuals who decided to donate their qurban for the needs of our projects.
During many years of work, IFS-EMMAUS through various humanitarian activities provide assistance to the people outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina such as was the assistance for: refugees from Syria, refugees in Bangladesh, aid for Palestine, Burkina Faso, Niger, Uganda, Mongolia etc…
Distribution of humanitarian aid in crisis situations is indispensable, so we also note the assistance to the people of Albania and Turkey after the devastating earthquakes, aid to the people of Lebanon after the devastating port explosions, etc.
The year that is behind us, too, has not passed without providing assistance beyond the borders of our country, so in the midst of war events in Ukraine IFS-EMMAUS launched an appeal to collect financial assistance to this war-affected population. Based on the appeal made to us by Emmaus International and Emmaus Europe, whose members we are, was requested that all Emmaus groups be involved in order to collect as much help as possible.
Also, we sent another message of good and noble neighborly relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro that lately capture the attention of the general public. An agreement on cooperation with the partner was also signed with the organization from Montenegro, and not long after that were realized first activities through the project “Warm Winters” where for the population in a state of need of Montenegro was carried out the distribution of firewood.
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