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All children deserve the right to education and the conditions to grow up happily

Boarding accommodation for children is unique accommodation capacity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and provides week long stay for children living in the peripheral and remote rural areas of Srebrenica up to 40 kilometers from the school. It is designed as adequate solution to the problem of their regular schooling. Children accommodated in the Center are of age from the fourth grade of primary to the fourth-grade high school.


The Center exists since 2012, and there were accommodated many generations of children/beneficiaries. In the school year 2022/23 there are 70 children; 48 girls and 22 boys. Of these, 21 beneficiaries are attending primary school, and 49 beneficiaries attend high school.


Children are provided with food and transportation from boarding accommodation to school. In their free time are organized various social activities and excursions. Next to accommodation units (capacity 90 beds), within the boarding accommodation is also an Center for education with sports fields according to European standards.



• According to the project of foreign donors, the beneficiaries of the boarding accommodation attended: IT course, courses of Turkish language, English language, German language, course for woodworking, sewing, robotics and sports.
• Organized visit to Sarajevo for 25 beneficiaries of boarding accommodation. On this occasion, the beneficiaries visited Tunel Spasa, Alija Izetbegović Museum and Trebević.
• Beneficiaries of boarding accommodation visited PI “Elementary School Lukavac Grad” in Lukavac and attended the appropriate program prepared by students and teachers of mentioned school. After that, they visited Memorial to the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica, where they laid flowers and recited the Fatiha, pay the tribute to all victims of genocide.
• Organized two-day trip to Mostar for beneficiaries of boarding accommodation. The children had a chance to visit various cultural and historical sights of the city of Mostar. On the way home was visited Blagaj on Buna where they had the opportunity to tour Tekke.
• Beneficiaries of boarding accommodation attended the two-day Balkan youth summit in Bursa organized by YTB from Turkey.
• In the premises of IFS-EMMAUS through the memorial tournament was marked the anniversary of the death of our beneficiary Said Hasanović. The tournament was attended by Said’s family, friends and beneficiaries of boarding accommodation.

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka

Foreign currency account:

IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746

Uni Credit Banka

Foreign currency account:

IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

You can pay money through PayPal