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As long as they need help MFS-EMMAUS will help them!

IFS-EMMAUS is in the last year of its activity aimed at supporting people on the move realized through the Day Care Center in Velika Kladuša. It is about a project which provided the possibility of a showering, rest, warm meals and drinks to a large number of people, and most importantly from everything, they were given back their dignity and the feeling that they are not rejected and left to fend for themselves on the difficult road to a better life. With the support of our donors, we distributed warm meals every day and tried to support the other locations wherever the need arises.


Since its opening, Day Care Center in Velika Kladuša occupied the attention of the migrant population which on its way to the countries of the European Union lack with basic needs for life and very often asked for help in our premises. Because of the positioning itself in the narrow core of the city, it was a stopover for many people on the move and often visited with different requests. Their privacy and moral principles were maximally respected, so that they are not endangered and in order that for everyone was provided support in a dignified way.



Frequent long queues for showers and gatherings in front Day Care Center left the impression of insecurity among to the local population which was a clear indication that it is necessary to change the location and which in the end we did. In a new, larger location outside the city, we have strengthened our services, and by increasing the number of migrants in this area there were open opportunities for providing support to a greater number of those persons.


Good organization of our Association and continuous support from foreign partner organizations preserved the existence of this Center in which, at the beginning of the next year, we are convinced, will be more and more humanitarian engagement.

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Uni Credit Banka
IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

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