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Call 17011 and donate One meal per day

The project “One meal per day” is implemented by IFS-EMMAUS for 5 years and it is, according to the recommendation competent Centers for social work, included 900 beneficiaries from the area of Doboj Istok, Doboj, Gračanica, Tuzla, Srebrenica, Bratunac, Zvornik, Velika Kladuše and Lukavac.


The project is intended for people of the third age in a state of need, sick, helpless persons who mostly live alone in remote rural areas, and persons who cannot provide a meal for themselves or get to a public kitchen. Every day, our team comes to the doorstep of these people with a warm meal.



• In is in the month of June, in cooperation with the competent Center for social work, implementation of the project “One meal per day” started in the area of Velika Kladuša. Currently in the kitchen in Velika Kladuša prepares 200 meals per day and the number of requests to in this area is constantly increasing.

• In the month of November 2022 we started with the distribution of meals according to the project “One meal per day” and in the area of the municipality of Lukavac, where at the beginning was included 30 new beneficiaries according to recommendations of the Center for Social Work of this City. IFS-EMMAUS planned to expand distribution of meals in other areas in the coming period, in order to include as many citizens as possible to whom this the kind of help is necessary.


The humanitarian number 17011 is still active for all operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina where by calling it you can donate 2 BAM for the purpose of buying groceries and preparation of meals.

You can also support this project whit food donations at the following adress:

Association “H.O. International Solidarity Forum – EMMAUS “

Duje bb, Klokotnica, Doboj Istok 74 207

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka


Devizni račun:


IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746


Uni Credit Banka


Devizni račun:


IBAN: BA39 3389 1048 0572 3482

Svrha: Jedan obrok dnevno/one meal per day

You can pay money through PayPal