• Bosanski
  • English


Safe home for the most vulnerable groups in our society - 453 beneficiaries

The project has been operating since 2004 as a Center for care and rehabilitation of all categories of the population who are in a state of social need. The work of the Center is focused on rehabilitation and resocialization, with the ultimate goal of reintegration beneficiaries of services in the community.


Apart from the primary medical, for beneficiaries is required understanding and sensitive approach which is continuously improved at the acceptable level of human expectations.

In accordance with prescribed international standards and norms, the provision of services is implemented through the following organizational units:

  • Care for old and helpless individuals
  • Care for individuals with mental disorders
  • Care for individuals with disabilities



Currently, there in the Reception Center „Duje“ has been accommodated 453 beneficiaries of various socio-health pathologies from the whole area of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


With the overall improvement of the epidemiological situation in the country and region, we have organized several one day trips for our beneficiaries in the last year.


According to the interests and possibilities of the beneficiaries they are involved in activities within the work-occupational therapy.


With these activities we atempt to save the confidence of beneficiaries and sense of usefulness in the environment in which they currently live.

You can pay the money of your donation to the Bank Accounts of the Association

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
IBAN: BA39 1542 0011 0008 5746

Uni Credit Bank
IBAN: BA39 3389104805723482

You can pay money through PayPal